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Friday 17 June 2011

Carbs may explain ethnic variations in cholesterol.

"South Asians ate the most carbohydrate and had the lowest HDL cholesterol levels, while Chinese individuals ate the least carbohydrate and had the highest levels of the beneficial blood fat, Dr. Anwar T. Merchant of the Population Health Research Institute in Hamilton, Ontario and colleagues found.

Each additional 100 gram per day of carbohydrates was tied to a 0.15 mmol/L drop in HDL cholesterol. Triacylglycerol levels also rose in tandem with carbohydrate intake.
The researchers also found that consuming more sugar-sweetened soft drinks, juices and snacks was tied to a lower HDL level.

"Differences in HDL and triacylglycerols observed in different ethnic groups may be due in part to carbohydrate intake," the researchers write. "Reducing the frequency of intake of sugar-containing soft drinks, juices and snacks may be beneficial."


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ah there is the clue - Reducing the frequency of intake of sugar-containing soft drinks, juices and snacks may be beneficial."
You are so misguided!